History in the Grain

September 28th 2016

Here at Hodge Floors, we proudly partner with the best. When we get to partner locally, that’s even better. For decades, Hodge has featured the fine hardwoods of Anderson Floors, a company located just down the road from us in Clinton, S.C. Now this outstanding local partner is even stronger than ever, as Anderson has been brought under the umbrella of the iconic Shaw Floors.

Take one step onto an Anderson Floors, and you can feel it. There’s a unique strength about this hardwood. Perhaps it has a story to tell.

For the better part of 65 years, Anderson has featured cross-locked engineered plies for its durability, efficiency and versatility. Now the industry standard, it was invented by Anderson’s own founder L, W. “Andy” Anderson. This 5-ply technology first made a name for itself in WW II. The unique construction alternates the direction of the grain, counter-acting the wood’s natural tendency to expand. It’s a technology that can be pound for pound, stronger and more durable than steel. This led “Andy” Anderson to work closely with the U.S. Navy to incorporate this cross-locked wood construction into the hulls of their fast-attack WW II vessels.

Taking note, many builders of that era began to use this cross-ply construction in the manufacturing of hardwood floors that would not warp, swell or buckle. Only weeks after the war ended, Modernwood Co of Cincinnati, OH began to sell block flooring made of this technology, using alternating oak plies. Their grain layers ran at right angles and were bonded with another recently perfected technology: waterproof glue.

So the next time you step onto an Anderson fine hardwood, you’ll know why it feels unique: there’s rich history woven into the grain.


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